Thursday, 3 October 2013

Fake Verified Accounts Helped by Twitter’s New Header, Profile and Background Photo

By on 01:19

Twitter Logo

 Have you ever checked the fake verified accounts? I know that it’s nothing new for twitteraudiences to fake confirmation status, but later twitter’s modify the profile is making it uncomplicated and more convincing.

Fake Twitter Verfited Account: 

Fake Twitter Verfited Account

I have read the technique on Reddit how you get verified account status? It’s very easy to get verify account on twitter. You just download the twitter wallpaper and upload on your twitter account. Following is the example of Verified Twitter Account Status.

Fake Goldust Twitter Account: 

Fake Goldust Twitter Account

And here’s a original verified profile: 

Barack Obama Real Verified Twitter Account

Now importance question is how we judge the real versus fake twitter profile. It’s very simple to distinguish an original account from a fake one by hovering over the blue check mark. If it’s original, it will read “Verified Profile.”

In new twitter design now users have three different images to allot to their accounts- theheader image, profile picture, and the background picture. Recently, twitter released a video and began cueing users to upload a header image when they sign in; recommendation that the header image adoption may not be to their liking. When uploaded, these pictures are uniform across all devices.

Twitter Reminds You To Upload A Header Image With A Video

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