Saturday, 5 October 2013

Google’s EMD Algo Update: Exact Match Domains No Longer Rank As Good

By on 23:57

Google EMD

Recently, Google has updated another algorithm for webmasters and SEOs. Now we called itExact-Match Domains (EMDs), last Friday afternoon, Google's head of search spam, Matt Cutts, threw a bomb on us. 

Matt Cutt declared on Twitter that Google is going after "low quality" exact match domains (EMD) to assure they don’t rank good in the Google search outcomes. Matt said this algorithm update only impacts 0.6 percent of English-US queries. SEOmoz evaluated a 24-hour drop in EMD influence from 3.58% to 3.21%. This symbolizes a day-over-day vary of 10.3%. Even the graph only presents the 30-day view; this also marks the least’s measurement of exact match domains influence on record since SEOmoz started gathering data in early April. 

On Twitter (29-Sept-2012), Matt Cutt has two tweets on this, here they are:

Exact Match Domains Algo Change
Exact Match Domains Algo Change1

Frankly, I am a bit wondered it because I feel that Google should have introduced this algorithm earlier. I mean, Matt said publically that Google will see into exact match domains almost two years ago. I would have believed Google will have done sometime soon after. Perhaps they have and possibly this is just an update to that? I am not quite sure. But this shouldn’t come as a amaze to anybody going after the exact match domains (EMD). 

I thought had launched its algorithm few days ago, on 27-Sept-2012 (Thursday) night. I had seen in SEO conversation in the WebmasterWorld thread but I really didn’t think it was Pandaor Penguin related, which it wasn’t, so I distinct to await it out. 

I have seen that there are several sites which were hit, as many webmasters have described being suffered by this update. In WebmasterWorld thread has various webmasters claiming to be dupes. 

SEOmoz has showing early data on who was hit and how several sites were impacted. They say it looks like a fairly bug update and shared this chart via mozcast:


Domain Diversity SEOmoz
SEOmoz Average Result Count
SEOmoz PMD Influence
SEOmoz Big 10 Influence

So, Who Got Hit?

In SEOmoz post, it has showed some example about exact domain ranking. Please note that we can’t prove that a domain lost ranking due to the algorithm vary. It can only evaluate what fell out. Here are five instances of domains that lost position as of this morning (9/29) – all had previously ranked for at least the past 7 days: 

  1. (#4)
  2. (#7)
  3. (#3)
  4. (#3)
  5. (#4)

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