Thursday, 3 October 2013

How To Get More Followers On Twitter

By on 01:01

Its one question everybody wants an answer for. How may people converts followers on Twitter within a little time? Why not me? I pass most of time on Twitter but it doesn’t help. How do I get more followers in less time?

Followers are precious like money. Whenever you aren't having followers, people may think that you’re not important, while actually you might be.Therefore Twitter is a “learning procedure” everybody has their own perceptions about how to attract millions of followers, how to occupy with them and what to tweet about.

Lets say we're at, a good idea would be follow people who are there, made it, rather than thinking by ourselves and experimenting with it. Particularly, all the folks who had joined earlier from the start days carry a lot more experience than newbies and they know how manage with your followers and following. Let’s search out some of them.
 How To Get More Followers On Twitter

How to get more followers on Twitter ?

1.  Digg CEO Kevin Rose’s tips on how to get an awesome lot of followers on Twitter

Kevin is the most successful social media company on the internet, didn’t help you at all huh ? 

2. Mack Collier’s tips on growing your Twitter follower number

A little sourdough post, but fits well to the current times as it covers the basics stength

3. Some strategic tips on increasing your follower number on Twitter – Maki

 Nice article by Maki

4. How to win Twitter followers and influence people – Ars Technica

Good title, even better article by Ars Technica. Dealing with how to manage your followers and even problem times on Twitter.

5. Get as many followers as you can! – Alister Cameron

Alister Cameron writes whole heartedly about how efficiently you can gain followers on Twitter.

6. 10 Proven Tips To Get More Twitter Followers – Lee Munroe

Nice write up by Lee Munroe. Honest one, but I don’t quite agree with No.4 but otherwise nice tips.

7. How to get more followers on Twitter – Ryan Carson

Ryan speaks about how he managed 8k followers and adds up 37 per day. Now, that’s talking out of experience.

8. 16,000 Followers in 90 Days without steroids – John Cox

John Cox writes about his life experiments and results. how he managed to get more than 16k followers within three months.

9. How to get more followers on Twitter – John Chow

John Chow shares his idea’s with us how he managed to keep a steady growth of twitter followers during the early days.

10. 5 Tips to Grow Your Twitter Presence – Darren Rowse

Darren speaks about how to increase your twitter presence and thereby improving your twitter follower count.

11. How not to get Twitter followers by cnet

Some guidelines on what to do and what no to do in Twitter followers race.

12. More Twitter Followers Don’t Always Mean More Clicks – Amit Agarwal

Labnol posts interesting facts about why the whole twitter follower race may not be as interesting as it sounds.

Hope you enjoyed the articles ! Let me know through comments your tip to get more followers on Twitter !

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