Sunday, 6 October 2013

How To Root Google Nexus 4

By on 03:38

Google Nexus 4

Google Nexus 4

As guys might already know that Android 4.3 has already been rolled out for the Nexus devices and Nexus 4. A lot of improvements were done in this update of Android and the performance of all the Android devices was enhanced to a new level. Today we are going to tell you how you can root your nexus 4 so that you can get Superuser access on your smartphone. We are going to root your Google Nexus 4 with the help of SuperSU.
There are some pre requisites which you should have which I have mentioned below:-
  1. Properly Configured Android SDK on your computer
  2. Recovery mode like Clockwork recovery or TWRP as per your choice. You need custom recovery so that you can add custom ROM’s to your Nexus 4 smartphone infuture.
  3. Enable USB Debugging on your Nexus 4
  4. More than 80% of charge available
  5. ADB and Fastboot enabled on your Windows. This will help you to install drivers in your computer.
  6. You can download the required files from Here.
Tutorial for rooting your Google Nexus 4
  1. First of all you need to download the SuperSUfile from here
  2. Once you have downloaded this file, transfer it to your smartphones SD card. If you have downloaded the file directly on your smartphone then its fine otherwise transfer it to your phone using USB cable to a directory that is easily rememberable.
  3. Remove your Nexus 4 from your computer and turn it off.
  4. Now the next step you need to do is Boot your Nexus 4 into TWRP recovery Mode. We are using here TWRP recovery mode because it is more user friendly. If you don’t know how to enter in recovery mode, turn off your device and press volume down + Volume Up + Power button at the same time. Navigate using volume buttons to reach Recovery mode and select using the Power button. You will enter in recovery mode after you have pressed the Power button.
  5. Once you are in the TWRP Recovery mode press Install.
  6. Browse for the SuperSU file which you placed in your SD card in the very first step of this tutorial.
  7. Select the file to begin the installation.
  8. Scroll to right to the bottom blue button.
  9. It will take some minutes for the installation to complete depending on the processing speed of your smartphone.
  10. After the installation has been completed tap Reboot and then select System.
  11. It will take some time for your Nexus 4 to boot into the normal mode.
  12. Now got the Google Play store and download Root checker tool (Link Provided) so that you can verify your smartphone Here
  13. Open the Root checker app and then tap on Verify button.
  14. Congratulations!! You have rooted your Google Nexus 4 smartphone. If youwant to install custom ROM’s start looking for other apps and tutorials and enjoy the maximum performance of your Android device.

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