Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Social Media Environmentalism

By on 04:19

What if Environmentalism Were as Big as Social Media? [INFOGRAPHIC]

What if everybody across the globe used his or her social media voice to help the planet?

If we use social media then the impact would be vast, according to a latest infographic fromRecyclebank, if we use social media platform, a company gives reward green consumers withdiscounts and deals from local and national businesses. 

The data recommends the linked generation to use social networks and technology for a positive effect on the earth. For Instance, If each and everyone use Pinterest for sharing one green idea per month, there would be 12 million more environmentally-conscious tips being passed around. 

Recyclebank said in a report, if everyone on Facebook reduced his or her shower by one minute, we would preserve enough water to fill 1,136,364 Olympic-sized swimming pools

Have you felt that any relationship between social media and helping the planet? What can you do to make an impact? Let us know in the feedback box. 

Recyclebank Infographic

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