Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Social Sharing Playground

By on 04:22

Infographic: The Demographic of The Social Sharing Playground

The Search Agency has brought out an infographic pointing which social sharing websitesmarketers should concentrates on based on each site’s specific demographic makeup.

The Infographic disclose information about TwitterFacebookGoogle+LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Digg, Pinterest and e-mail, seeming at whether it primarily used by males, females or both; if it is primarily used for B2B or B2C; and what it is most effective for.

Studies have presented that men and women use social media very differently, which is a essential consideration to take when plotting your social sharing strategies. If marketers are speaking to a preponderantly female audience, focus on a plan pushing content via Pinterest or Facebook, on the other hand Google Plus looks to be a hotspot for male activity.

Social Sharing Button

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