Saturday, 5 October 2013

Will Google Kill FeedBurner?

By on 23:51

FeedBurner Logo

For me, this is a very scary question to even think about. I have been using FeedBurner sincetwo years and I've been pretty glad with it. But the question on several blogger’s mind is will Google wipe out FeedBurner?

Matt McGee did a full write up on the sign on why he thinks Google may surely decide to no longer support and manage FeedBurner in the future. His reasons: 

(1) They let the Japanese TLD of FeedBurner expire. 
(2) FeedBurner's Blog & Twitter account were also lately excluded.
(3) The FeedBurner support forums are dead and filled with spam.
(4) It doesn't seem anyone at Google is placing any latest characteristics into FeedBurner.
(5) Many people think RSS is dead and an old technology.

It is just hurting and instead they should keep it going.

What do you think

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