.Com.PK, .PK And ORG.PK Among Hundreds Hit In High-Profile Pakistan Hacked By Turkish Hackers
There are plenty websites which were affected by Turkish hackers in Pakistan. Some of them are as follows Google, Apple, eBay and Yahoo, almost 300 websites were hacked.
If someone open these websites then these websites are redirecting visitors of popular sites to a different website.
If you see the hacker picture which actual shown on popular sites, in this picture there are two penguins walking across a bridge with the slogan "Pakistan Downed", these ordinarypenguins not Google Penguin - Remember it
This news also confirmed in Google Webmaster Help thread forums that giant websites werehacked by Turkish hackers.
How These Websites Were Hacked?
Turkish hackers hacked the websites DNS, where the hackers took full control of the domain name records or server – wait, I missed one giant website name Microsoft also hacked by hacker. If you want more information regarding this news then read about Hackers Media.
On Saturday, Google Pakistan and other giant websites traffic was reduced – Perhaps that why.
Hacker email
No one knows the motive of Turkish hackers. Why they hacked .com.pk domains? With various recommendations the hack was expressed to simple mentioned weaknesses point in systems maintained by PKNIC, the organization which administers .pk web domains.
PKNIC told that they would be releasing a press release about the attack “Coming Soon”
Technology blog ProPakistani said it had got an email from the Turkish hackers clarifyinghow they carried out their attack.