Thursday, 3 October 2013

Yahoo's New Home Page

By on 01:58

Eventually, Yahoo has launch their new homepage after plenty months of experimenting on different designs.

Marissa Mayer, everyone know about this women, she is the new CEO of Yahoo and Former Googler said:
Designed to be more intuitive and personal, the new Yahoo! experience is all about your interests and preferences. Since streams of information have become theparadigm of choice on the web, we’re introducing a news feed with infinite scroll, letting you experience a virtually endless feed of news articles. Whether you are a sports fanatic or entertainment buff, you can easily customize your news feed to your interests. And, to make Yahoo! even more social, you can log in with your Yahoo! or Facebook ID to get articles from thousands of news sources as well as those shared by your friends.

New Yahoo homepage Picture, here it is but the core part its table and smartphone improved as well.

New Yahoo Homepage

The action at WebmasterWorld was pretty different. Do you love the new Yahoo design?

Here is the old one:

Old Yahoo Homepage

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