Pinterest is a great place for spending time, the spiciest fresh social network since sliced bread, you might have observed its fame among certain demographics - namely, men who are into sports, movies, fitness and dogs.
But gathered some data sheds light on the astonishing differences between U.S.A and UK Pinterest users. Using anonymous, combined opt-in data from several Google commodities (containing Toolbar and Analytics), DoubleClick has depicted some decisions about pinners on both sides of the pond.
Most driving are the gender, wealth and interest differences between the two countries’ users. Why is the same social network so impressive to crafters in one nation and venture capitalists in another?
See these differences between two countries below. Are you shocked by the differenceshere?
But gathered some data sheds light on the astonishing differences between U.S.A and UK Pinterest users. Using anonymous, combined opt-in data from several Google commodities (containing Toolbar and Analytics), DoubleClick has depicted some decisions about pinners on both sides of the pond.
Most driving are the gender, wealth and interest differences between the two countries’ users. Why is the same social network so impressive to crafters in one nation and venture capitalists in another?
See these differences between two countries below. Are you shocked by the differenceshere?