Thursday, 3 October 2013

Yahoo Buys Tumblr For $1.1 Billion

By on 02:01

Yahoo Spends $1.1 Billion To Be Cool (Buy Tumblr)

Tumblr Yahoo

We are sure you've heard the news by now, Yahoo has acquired Tumblr for a cool $1.1 billion in cash.

Seriously, everyone is talking about it - just see techmeme.

WebmasterWorld thread talks about how we want this to make Yahoo cool and relevant. We want $1.1 billion to turn the company around. We do wish the best for Yahoo.

The concern is will Yahoo mess up Tumblr or will Tumblr clean up Yahoo?

What do you think?

Yahoo did some neat stuff with Flickr yesterday - so that is a good sign, I think.

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